Francis Walker, an architect with a focus on designing Spaceports around the world.
Francis Walker is an Associate Principal at Corgan, an architect with a focus on aviation and by extension VertiPorts and in particular Spaceports.
Join us every day as we provide the latest news and insights along with leading experts from industry, academia, research organizations, government, and more. Stay on top of the evolving space market, and separate the signal from the noise.
SCHEDULE: Daily, Monday – Saturday
CREDITS: Host is Maria Varmazis; Executive Producer is Jennifer Eiben; Producer is Alice Carruth; Editing by Alice Carruth, Tré Hester, and Elliott Peltzman; Audio engineering and original sound design by Elliott Peltzman. VP of Programming is Brandon Karpf.
Francis Walker is an Associate Principal at Corgan, an architect with a focus on aviation and by extension VertiPorts and in particular Spaceports.
SES revenue up 10% and waiting for next payout. NASA and Axiom sign a fourth agreement to send astronauts to the ISS. Brazil deforestation is down....
IARPA launches an initiative to track space debris. NOIRLabs halts observations after cyberattack. UK Space Agency to fund Earth Observation tech....
Northrop Grumman launches its final Antares 230+ rocket. Voyager Space and Airbus to partner on Starlab. US Senate plans to mitigate space junk. And...
Space Command is staying in Colorado. The US Senate agrees with the House to make cuts to the Space Force’s budget. FCC presents new spectrum rules....
SpaceX tests its flame deflector system. Sierra Space awarded a $22.6M to develop the Vortex Advanced Upper Stage Engine. Aeolus reentry success. And...
Casey Anglada DeRaad, CEO at NewSpace Nexus, a non-profit company dedicated to helping new space companies get to market.
FAA launches human spaceflight rulemaking panel. A US bill pushes space to be seen as critical infrastructure. Argentina signs the Artemis Accords....
Lockheed Martin wins DRACO contract. Aerojet Rocketdyne set to be purchased and demo updated radioisotope power system. Boeing faces financial woes....
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